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About voltio8836

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    General Member
  1. Why don't you just arrange for a private dance in her home or ur home and then turn that into a GFE? Also I think some escorts are willing to go out on a "date", you can just take her to a club and dance with her and then after getting all turned on you can take her back and fck the living sh1t out of her.
  2. Does anyone know of this? 10%? 50%? And also, have any of you hobbyists managed to talk a stripper into providing for u? Any details on that matter? All perspectives/opinions welcome.
  3. You know, YoungStud has not said anything productive in this thread, so is your post directed at him? All I am saying is, instead of making all those troll posts, maybe he needs to look in the mirror and reflect on himself first before passing judgment on others. And why are you quoting me?
  4. In re reading your quote, I have to say that if you are here trolling my thread in hopes of getting some extra discount when visiting the next SP, maybe you need to re-evaluate your life first before talking about other people. Just my opinion.
  5. someone said that sexual attraction is different from physical attraction. Could you please explain the difference?
  6. Could you explain the difference? Are you saying there is someone that you think is hot but you wouldn't want to have a sexual relation with and conversely someone that you want to have a sexual relation with but you think is ugly? btw since we are in the context of the SP world, an emotional attraction would be a joke as you only met the client for 3 minutes. P.S. This is to everyone: yes I know this is a recommendation forum so maybe some replies will be "faked" to garner more clients into thinking you love all clients, but at least be truthful in the votes as they are anonymous?
  7. I know in this bussiness there are clients that you enjoy having and clients you don't enjoy having, physically. So, I am just wondering, what percentage of clients are you physically attracted to and actually enjoyed the experience with? Plz only SPs vote.
  8. y do you say she has small ones if pk advertises her as DD?
  9. 1. Talking through lectures (i.e. interrupting) is different from asking a question (ur original post). So nice try on spinning what you said. 2. Why do you think you have the ability to judge another person? What, you didn't get your tuition paid by your parents, you think you have it hard in life? So what? I paid for my own tuition and got my own scholarships, you don't see me looking down on others. There are people that I know who came from dirt poor countries and are probably sitting in the ur very class. Maybe you need to think twice before passing your judgment on a so called "bonehead"
  10. rofl exactly my point. I used that example to illustrate that OP needs to get off her high horse thinking she is better than than those "morons" when there are kids in that same class (or in another class) who are probably much more intelligent. Is OP going to just take it in the face then when a smarter student comes along and points out her stupidity?
  11. Ok, but what is your point? In any class there will be kids who are less intelligent than you and there will be kids who are more intelligent than you. If you are going to pick on the kids who are less intelligent than you, then I assume you would accept it when a smarter student starts mocking your intelligence?
  12. um, if you want to be around smart people, maybe you should check out the Engineering faculty or the Science faculty instead of the Art department... and OP seriously? You are ranting just because you happened to have more knowledge than them in a program that doesn't require a whole lot for admission to begin with. lol. Let me ask you, how do you feel when students in Physics or chemistry say things like, "yeah, I took an elective in greek mythology, all those kids who major in that are complete morons."
  13. What factors determine when you go out and hobby on that day? Is it your own mood? or if you see an fav SP that is providing that day?
  14. Ok wise sir, explain to me how talking african american ebonics will just completely undermine a SP's security, safety, privacy, trust without stereotyping that anyone who talks that way is obviously a gangster rapper and out to rape you. im just laughing at the massive white knights in this forum.
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