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About props6969

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  1. Most men have difficulty getting out in the evening unnoticed. I am an early bird Give me an early start to the day, any day. Whether for work or pleasure, I feel an early start puts one in a better frame of mind. :) So...question: When on vacation in sunnier climes, do you folks stick to the resorts or get out and see the countryside (not meaning organised bus tours etc)?
  2. Ok, I'll bite :) I was disappointed to learn today that there are 3 Territories and 9 Provinces represented on Canada's 2014 winter Olympic team. The one province that isn't represented is NB. Does this speak to successive provincial governments talking about daily physical activity in public schools but when it comes to walking the walk and funding the Phys Ed specialists at all grade levels.....that doesn't happen. Obesity rates among children and youth is highest in NB. Is there are common theme here? Perhaps a little less public money supporting wealthy families and the likes of corporations such as CN and a little more public money put into education and wellness.
  3. Did the same.......received the same
  4. I don't know what to say other than incredible. Not a clock watcher, immediately puts you at ease. Great conversationalist. As for the good stuff...........well lets just say there is good stuff and then there is mind blowing goooood stuff! Lexy is somewhere way out beyond the gooooood stuff ;) A gentleman never tells but rest assured next time I'm in Halifax.......................................
  5. As with just about everything in any kind of professional transaction, good respectful communication at the front end by both parties ensures a great outcome for all :)
  6. That's what mama always told me! :) I've found it has been true throughout my life so far as well. So here's smiling back at ya :)
  7. There is stuff going on pretty regularly at the facility but the TNB (Theatre New Brnswick) calendar at one time roughly followed the school calendar. I believe it still does. The Playhouse does have a website with a calendar of events.
  8. Seen dbj advertised in Toronto area and occasionally in Ottawa if you look around a bit
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