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Bella @ CMJ

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Dear Jasmine, I received some unfortunate news on Friday afternoon that one of my high school buddies had died earlier in the week of a heart attack here in Ottawa. It saddened me because even though we both lived in the same city and had many of the same friends we just never got to spend time together like you would like. There was a Scottish wake for him tonight at a downtown hotel and the rules were no tears, just celebrate his life with all of his family friends and colleagues. There were over 300 people there! We took turns going up to the mike and telling our favorite funny story about him. The stories were priceless! Everyone had a different aspect of him to recount. I left around 1015 and despite the festive spirit of the event I still felt a little down in the dumps. I called CMJ and Bella answered with a cheerful "good evening". She told me that the club was closed at 10, which I should have remembered, but when she sensed the disappointment in my voice she offered to stay open for a bit. I was only about 15 minutes away and was there in about 10! The reason I am relating this to you is for the magnificent way that Bella made me see the joy of life for those who are still here. She told me things happen for a reason and that we need to live our lives to the fullest. I think that is your philosophy also. I left the club feeling not only physically relaxed but mentally calmer and less saddened as well as spiritually uplifted. Her totally positive outlook on life and happiness is contagious. I want to go on record as saying that I don't know any of your hostesses to have any negativity about them. Each and every one of them are beautiful both inside and out! From the bottom of my heart I thank Bella for making this day come to a conclusion with positive energies instead of sorrows. I feel a better person because of her care tonight.


Cheers one more time to my friend's memory.



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