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Spring Schedule change, book now before it is too late

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For the intellectual or geek in the modern world, looking for an extended escape with another complex and curious mind. You get to spend a contained, safe and potentially intense time, experiencing our mutual boundaries. With a remarkable ability to put you at ease, and create a comfortable environment for both of us, you will find I can help you unlock a certain appetite you didnt know was hidden inside of you.




My preferences are towards longer dates (1hr - 3hr) allowing for things to unfold naturally, until we find ourselves in the middle of the room in an array of memories and full laughter.


SCHEDULE CHANGE : while previously I was available 10am - 10pm most every day, with May comes a new schedule. If you would like to get in one last afternoon tryst with me, book soon space is limited.

Starting May 04th

mon : 16h - 20h

tues : 16h - 20h

wed : 16h - 20h

thur : 16h - 22h

frid : 16h - 22h

sat/sun : 10h - 20h




xoxo See you soon, Dillan

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